
Experience our unwavering commitment to compliance at HSH Chemie. From our Code of Conduct to Responsible Care, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and SQAS/ESAD certifications, we uphold the highest ethical and operational standards. With a strong emphasis on sustainability, we actively contribute to a better future. 

Code of Conduct

Discover our unwavering commitment to ethical conduct and integrity at HSH Chemie. Our comprehensive Code of Conduct sets the highest standards for our employees, partners, and stakeholders, ensuring a transparent and accountable business environment. Upholding principles of fairness, respect, and responsible behavior, we prioritize the well-being of our people, communities, and the environment. Join us in fostering a culture of trust and excellence, where ethical practices thrive and shape our shared success.

Download our Code of Conduct

Responsible Care

We care not only about the quality and variety of chemical raw materials in our portfolio, but we also pay special attention to the industry standards for the safety, health and environment as an active member of the Responsible Care Program.

We fulfill our role as an environmentally responsible distributor. We also understand the importance of being a part of the supply chain between suppliers, producers and final consumers and the need to ensure the proper flow of information. We always try to recommend and to promote the most safety and environmentally friendly product solutions.



EcoVadis CSR Assessment

As it is highly important for us and our customers we confirm to incorporate ethical standards and demonstrate commitment to responsible supply chain.

Our CSR assessment with EcoVadis as an independent service provider is clear evidence of our commitment.

It provides us comprehensive feedback on our CSR pratice with focus on environmental, social, ethics and supply chain areas, and detail of our strengths and opportunities for improvement.


Download our EcoVadis Rating Certificate


ISO 9001

Our daily operations are focused on long-term relationships with customers and suppliers aimed at:

  • Increasing trust and recognition of our partners
  • Continuous strengthening the company's position and image in the market
  • Gradual profit increase
  • High qualifications of employees, technological and marketing support
  • Environmental awareness development

We are committed to the Code of Conduct of HSH Group which ensures our business activities, organisational units and employees are conducted in accordance with the law and ethically acceptable social rules and values.

ISO 14001

We act in line with principals of sustainable growth and environmental consciousness. 

We are committed to:

  • Comply with all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and all other undertaken responsibilities
  • Supervise regularly the impact of our activity on environment and the way how we can reduce the most adverse effects
  • Reduce environmental pollution and avoid environmental disasters wherever possibile during our operations
  • Prevent undesired incidences by the conducted and regularly revised risk assessments
  • Follow up the implementation of our environmental policy
  • Maintain consciousness for environmental protection of our employees
  • Evaluate the impact on environment of our suppliers and subconstructors 


ESAD assessment is our key element in promoting our continuous improvement of the safety and quality standards in our distribution operations. 

ESAD assessment is a tool for risk management in our product stewardship activities: quality, safety, security and environmental protection. 

Our suppliers use our ESAD attestation document as an assurance that their products are carried out in a complete safe and high-quality manner with due regard for the protection of the employees, the public and the environment.

Whistleblowing System

Every stakeholder (Employee, Supplier, Customer) is obliged to report possible or actual breaches of the Code of Conduct, whether these are their own or those of other colleagues, suppliers, customers to the Ombudsman immediately. It is at the stakeholder’s discretion whether in addition, they inform the Compliance Manager.

The contact details for the Compliance Manager at HSH Chemie you can find here: 

Telephone: +49 40 32 32 10 44

The confidential contact details for the External Ombudsman are:

Website: External Ombudsman
Telephone: +49 211 923 247 07

The external Ombudsman will follow up all indications of breaches and will treat the information in a confidential manner. The Group does not tolerate any form of discrimination/harassment against stakeholders that report possible or actual breaches in good faith or assist in investigations in this context.

We report breaches of the Code of Conduct.

Do you have any questions?


We will be happy to help you.

Please contact our English speaking Compliance Management.

Telephone: +49 40 32 32 10 44